Our staff raise money for the hospices below in events over the year and every pound they raise is matched by Horizon. In addition, we give you the opportunity to donate to them when arranging a service.

Ardgowan Hospice is the local hospice for people living in Inverclyde, supporting a community of around 80,000 people. Each year the hospice welcomes around 1,000 local patients and their families, offering them a huge range of support from end of life care to supporting carers, and from helping children cope with grief to helping patients return to work after an illness.

Local Hospice
The Ayrshire Hospice helps adults throughout Ayrshire and Arran with life-limiting illness such as cancer, neurological conditions, end stage heart failure and lung disease. We help people to live as actively as they can to the end of their lives - however long that may be, wherever that may be. The care we provide not only seeks to alleviate pain and symptoms, but also allows people to stay engaged with friends, family and their community. We not only look after people’s physical needs but also attend to their emotional, spiritual and social needs too. The patient and their family are at the centre of all the care we provide. Family members, close friends and carers are also supported both during a person’s illness and following bereavement.

Local Hospice
For more than 30 years, St Vincent’s Hospice has provided palliative and end of life care for the communities of Renfrewshire and beyond. This is only possible due to the unique mix of skills and experience offered by our multidisciplinary team. Our specialist, dedicated staff provide care, support and guidance in our eight bedded In-patient Unit, our Day Hospice and in people’s own homes.
We are committed to creating an environment where:
• Patients and families come first.
• Where their concerns are listened to thoroughly.
• Where every need is care for attentively.
• Every want is considered seriously.

For over twenty years CHAS has been offering full family support services for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions.
We’re committed to making sure that no matter how short their time together may be, it is a time filled with happiness and fun.
Through our hospices, home care services and hospital presence, CHAS provides palliative care, family respite and support throughout Scotland.
Contact Details
2nd Floor
Buchanan Tower
Buchanan Park
Cumbernauld Road
G33 6HZ
TEL: 0141 779 6180
EMAIL: support@chas.org.uk

North Ayrshire Cancer Care exists as a totally voluntary organisation to provide care and support for cancer patients and their families. Their services include transport to and from hospital – before, during and after treatment, 24 days a week, 365 days a year.
They also have a variety of groups which promote a feeling of well-being through chatting, card making, painting or being pampered at their pamper groups.
Contact Details
Muirside Lodge
Stevenston Road
KA13 6NQ
Tel: 01294 552223
Email : transport@northayrshirecancercare.org
Getting Help
The Samaritans. Offer a 24-hour listening service. Call 116123 https://www.samaritans.org/samaritans-in-scotland/
Citizen’s Advice. Helpful with legal and financial advice. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/
SAMH. Scottish Action for Mental Health Call 0141 530 1000 www.samh.org.uk
Ayrshire Baby Loss Support. Offering support to anyone affected by the loss of a baby at any stage. Call 01563 825402 www.ayrshirebabyloss.org
Cruse Bereavement Support. You don’t have to deal with grief alone. Call 0808 808 1677 www.cruse.org.uk
The Good Grief Trust. Help and hope in one place. www.thegoodgrieftrust.org
Scottish Men’s Shed Association. Supporting the health and wellbeing of Shedders across Scotland. www.scottishmsa.org.uk
Voted the Best Crematorium in Scotland at the 2019 and 2023 Scottish Funeral Awards